Lose weight in a healthy and natural way

Posted on 11:31 PM by Been

Here are some kind of information about how to lose weight
1. Warm water with lemon juice
2. Light breakfast
3. Fruit and veg
4. Sandwich for lunch
5. No fry ups
6. Glasses of water daily
7. No sweet food produce at all
8. Excercise 30 mins a day/ 5-7 times a week

and here are more info
drink as much water as ya can...eat raw veggies...walk 2 to 3 miles
a day...ya cant lose weight wdout exercise...
so make sure ya r physcially actve

now desi totka....mix 1 tbsp of honey in hot water
and mix some lemon juice in it and take it frst thing in the morning..
.it ll help to lose belly fat and its gud for throat too (sachi mein...
no kidding)...ya can sing well after taht

and one more thing.... take green tea...or take black tea wdout milk...
dats also help to lose weight
reudce ur sugar intake...
i guess tahts enough

make sure to try all these...weight lose na hoa to paisay wapis
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